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Gas Leak Detector

  • Safe and Dependable
  • Non-corrosive
  • Freeze-protected to -20°F
  • High solids and low water content
  • Suitable for high temperature use (up to 250°F)
  • Detects leaks as small as 1/2 oz. per year
  • A2L Ready


Gas Leak Detector is a straw-colored liquid with a Brookfield viscosity of 120 cps at 26°C. It is a synergistic formulation that produces a viscous film, detecting refrigerant leaks as small as 1/2 ounce per year. It is non-corrosive, non-ingurous, non-staining and harmless to skin.

It has a solids content over 60% indicating a low-water content, and a favorable freeze-point (-20°F). It is available in 1 gallon bottles as well as 6 fl. oz. bottles with dauber applicator. It can be applied to suspect joints, especially “hard to reach” locations, with the dauber applicator. This applicator’s rod is constructed of stainless steel; it will not corrode over time and the package will have years of shelf life.

Gas Leak Detector has been servicing the air conditioning, refrigeration industry since the mid 1950’s, perhaps being the first chemical leak detector in the industry. It is the most recognized and trusted chemical leak detector in the market.

Packaging Size Part Number Additional Info
177 ml bottle (Canada) 4832-C9
6 fl. ounce bottle w/dauber 4180-53


This product must be used in accordance to the following directions by HVACR professionals only.

Spray liberally around joint in gas line. If joint leaks, bubbles will form in a few seconds.

Product Information:

Literature Downloads

Download the product bulletin and other relevant literature here.


Download a low resolution file of the product label here.

Product Safety

RTK Information

2611 Schuetz Rd. St. Louis, MO 63043
  • Telephone: 800.554.5499
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Hours: Mon–Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm (Central Time)

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